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Residential & Commercial Painting Serving the Denver Metro Area

Straight Forward, No Gimmicks, No Pressure

Denver’s Trusted Experts for Exterior & Interior Painting and Remodeling

At Stellar Painting and Remodeling Inc, painting for exterior and interior projects is our bread and butter. With years of experience in this line of work, our professionals leave each client with stunning results, no matter the scope of their project. We also specialize in a range of services beyond just your run-of-the-mill painting project, such as gutter replacement. Learn more about what you can expect from our Denver, CO team.

Red armchair in living room
Modern Coffee Shop
Modern Coffee Shop
HOA/Property Management

Why People Love Us!

Look to Our Professionals for Remodeling Help

The team at Stellar Painting and Remodeling Inc is dedicated to providing top-notch painting and remodeling services to clients throughout the Denver Metro Area. We’ve been in business for over 15 years, and in that time, we’ve remained committed to seasoned employees, fair pricing, and unmatched products. Those who work with us rave about our caring staff and managers who perform all tasks with integrity.

Paint pot samples

Only the Best Materials for Our Valued Customers

We understand the importance of quality materials for any remodeling project. Whether it’s building a new office space from scratch or simply revamping curb appeal, our clients deserve the best. As such, Stellar Painting and Remodeling Inc provides time-tested products from some of the most reliable brands in the industry, including Sherwin-Williams®, Benjamin Moore, and BEHR. We never skimp on quality!

Meet the Stellar Team Stellar Specials

No Job Is Too Big for Our Team

Stellar Painting and Remodeling Inc works with all kinds of home and business owners throughout Denver. Whether you own a small home in the city or you’re a property manager with dozens of HOAs, buildings, or properties to manage, we’re here for you.. No job is too big or small for our seasoned team, and we’re always ready to help. Let us know your needs, and we’ll present you with a extensive plan for how to achieve the aesthetic goals for your property. We also specialize in kitchen cabinetry painting with a stunning new look. If you are looking for an improvement on the interior and exterior or your home look no further and give us a call!

Our Trusted Suppliers

Sherwin Williams

Benjamin Moore

Guiry's Color Source



The Home Depot

Sterling Lumber

Front Range Lumber Company

Austin Hardwoods

Alpine Lumber





The Deck Superstore

Our Professional Affiliations

Building Owners And Managers Association
BOMA Member 10+Years

CAI Logo
Community Associations Institute
CAI Member 17+ Years

PCA Logo
Painting Contractors Association

Angie's List Logo

Team Dave Logan Logo

Dun and Bradstreet Logo

Tom Martino Logo
Tom Martino

BBB Logo
Better Business Bureau

Serving the Areas of Denver, Boulder, Highland Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, Littleton, Lakewood, Greenwood Village, Parker, Arvada, Golden, Westminster, Thornton, North Glen, Castle Rock, Longmont, Englewood, Aurora